We are a small family ranch that raise Navajo-Churro sheep, goats and cattle on pasture year round. We provide fresh pasture, water and free choice minerals, with supplemental hay in winter (hay is harvested from our fields). Animals have access to barns and cover year-round. Navajo-Churro sheep are known for their rich yet lean meat and are listed in the Slow Food Ark of Taste, we offer meat, wool and breeding stock.
Production Practices:
Animals are humanely treated, anti-biotic free, and 100% pasture/grass fed. We rotate animals among various pastures, where they always have access to fresh water and minerals. We grow our pastures and hay fields with farm-generated, animal-provided fertilizer only.
Beef, Goat, Lamb, Wool
Number of Acres in Animal Production:
Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:
Cattle, sheep and goats are rotated on our pastures year-round, to provide nourishment to both land and animal, and in turn us. We also set aside animal-fertilized pasture for hay production to supplement livestock in winter.
We have set aside riparian areas and continue to work on riparian restoration.
Farm Visits:
By appointment only
Currently offering pre-order sales for whole or half (beef, lamb, mutton, goat)
More Info and Contact Information: