Terra Farma is a pasture-based mixed livestock farm raising dairy cows and goats, chickens for meat and eggs, heritage turkeys, and red wattle pigs. We practice intensive rotational grazing and believe in the power of proper pasture management to revitalize the soil web and to produce exceptional farm products. In fact, our philosophy is summed up in our name, which is based on the Latin phrase “terra firma,” which translates to “solid earth.” We imagine Terra Farma to mean “Earth Farm,” as we farm in a way to rebuild the earth rather than extract from it.
Production Practices:
Multi-species rotational grazing; GMO-free; no routine antibiotics or hormones; on-farm slaughter; no grazing in riparian areas
Type of Farm Products Sold:
Pork, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit, Eggs, Dairy. We sell both raw cow and goat milk, goat milk soap, cheesemaking supplies, turkeys at Thanksgiving, broiler chickens are available June-October, pork is usually available in the late fall, and eggs are typically available year-round.
Number of Acres in Animal Production:
Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:
All of our animals have access to at least some pasture year-round. The only time they would be confined in a barn or coop would be during periods of extreme winter weather. Everything is finished on our farm, and no different from how they were raised the rest of their lives. We practice intensive rotational grazing to prevent overgrazing, sacrifice areas in the winter to reduce compaction, keep animals away from slopes in the winter, add compost to deficient areas, use pigs and goats to reduce invasive plants like blackberry. We compost all of our cow and goat manure and then apply it to the pastures.
Environmental Conservation:
We are part of the Stream Care program through East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, which removes invasive plants and then replants a large number of native trees and shrubs along our creek. We have committed to keeping our animals out of this area. We have a wide variety of bird species on our farm, and we have left standing snags for nesting habitat in our few wooded areas.
Even though in practice we qualify for many of these certifications, we have chosen to not pursue them because we sell direct to the consumer and we can explain and show them the principals which we adhere to.
Farm Visits:
By appointment only.
Where Products are Available:
OPN Product Guide: Portland Region
Most of our sales are currently directly from the farm only, though eggs are available as an add-on item to the CSA shares at Cully Neighborhood Farm in NE Portland.
More Info and Contact Information: