
A small, natural, pasture-based livestock farm focused on raising Jacob sheep, rabbits and chickens. Sugarfield is a new farm that is evolving and changing to meet the needs of the animals and land. A small herd of Jacob sheep are currently allowed to free-range on 38 acres of natural pasture while rabbits are being rotated on the property, fertilizing the area of our future orchard. Our free-range laying flock consists of over a hundred birds and is a mixed flock of chickens which also rotate through the pastures.

Production Practices:

Pasture-based, natural

Type of Farm Products Sold:

Lamb, Poultry, Rabbit, Eggs, Yarn, and Sheepskins

Additional: horse boarding and sheep shearing services

Number of Acres in Animal Production:


Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices: 

The 75 Jacob sheep are currently on rotational grazing and spend 24 hours a day on pasture.  They are brought into the barn only in inclement weather. Three guardian dogs live with them and protect the stock from predators. Rabbits and meat birds are housed in mobile units that allow them 24 hour access to fresh grass. The chickens follow the sheep in rotation. The rabbits are currently being rotated on the site of our future orchard to fertilize the area. Animals will live their entire lives at Sugarfield, on pasture with organic supplements when needed.

Environmental Conservation:

None currently



Farm Visits:

By appointment only

Where Products are Available:

OPN Product Guide: Southwest Oregon

More Info and Contact Information: 

Sugarfield’s Instagram Account