Pasture based sheep and poultry producers dedicated to low input sustainable agriculture (LISA)
Production Practices:
Management intensive grazing
Type of Farm Products Sold:
Lamb, Eggs
Number of Acres in Animal Production:
Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:
100% on pasture using rotational and management intensive grazing. Regular soil testing with appropriate inputs. Pastured hens eat a lot of grasshoppers and bugs. Animal manure is distributed throughout the pasture during grazing to help fertilize.
Environmental Conservation:
Maintain 60 acres of Ash swales and 10 acres planted to Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine.
Animal Welfare Approved for laying hens
Farm Visits:
By appointment only
Where Products are Available:
OPN Product Guide: Mid-Willamette Valley
On farm sales of lamb and eggs by appointment.
More Info and Contact Information: