We farm approximately 150 acres in Central Oregon with about half of our ground certified organic by Oregon Tilth. We produce certified organic, 100% grass-fed and grass-finished goat and lamb and certified organic and conventional hay.
Production Practices:
We practice managed intensive rotational grazing
Type of Farm Products Sold:
Lamb, Goat
Number of Acres in Animal Production:
Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:
Animals are on pasture from 4/1-11/15 and eating hay, with access to outdoors over winter unless weather is extremely inclement. We move to new paddocks every 2-4 days depending on biomass. Animals are finished on grass or hay.
For pasture management we use managed intensive rotational grazing and no-till interseeding of legumes. We don’t use chemicals and weeds are managed well by grazing. Composted manure from winter feeding areas is composted and reapplied to fields.
We installed 1/4 mile buried pipe to minimize leaching losses from our pond inflow
USDA certified Organic
Farm Visits:
By appointment only
Where Products Are Available:
OPN Product Guide: Central Oregon
More Info and Contact Information: