We have a small herd of Irish Dexter cattle in Beavercreek where we produce grass-fed beef available as whole, half, and quarter shares. We also sell registered breeding stock. Dexters are a recovering heritage breed that originated in Ireland. They were bred as a dual purpose animal that would do well on small holdings and provide milk and beef. Our mission is to help in the recovery of these wonderful cows and provide our customers with healthy, nutritious beef.
Production Practices:
We practice managed intensive grazing. We only use antibiotics for acute bacterial infections that threaten the life and well being of the animal.
Type of Farm Products Sold:
Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef
Registered Breeding Stock
Number of Acres in Animal Production:
Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:
We keep our cattle in a sacrifice area from about December through mid-March. A large part of the area is underlain by a gravel pack that keeps it from becoming a mire. They are fed hay during this time. This protects our pasture soils from compaction.
We can divide our pasture into 16 paddocks with electric wire on reels. In the peak grass growing period, we move the cows twice daily. Cows are all rotationally grazed and finished on pasture.
We have added lime in years past. We used commercial fertilizer for the first three years because soils were depleted after decades of haying and no pastured animals. We no longer use commercial fertilizer or cut hay.
For pest management, we control flies using parasitic wasps and traps. We also compost in place making a manure pack in the cattle loafing area. We stack manure that collects on the gravel pack in the winter feeding area. All the manure is composted over the summer and used around the farm in the fall.
Environmental Conservation:
Placed a fence around a pond.
Farm Visits:
By appointment only
Where Products Are Available:
OPN Product Guide: Portland Region
Please contact us by phone or email to inquire about the availability of beef or breeding stock.
More Info and Contact Information: