Check out the locations below (listed alphabetically by location) to find pasture-grown products in Southwest Oregon. To learn more about each of our OPN partners, such as their production methods or the specific products they produce, select their farm or ranch name to view their profile. Some producers sell their products directly from their farm; some producers offer Herd-Shares, which often includes delivery options throughout the region. For these sale arrangements click “On-Farm” or “Herd-Share” to email that producer with inquiries.

Product Type Producer Profile Sales Outlet Location/Map
Beef Martin Family Ranch On-Farm Central Point
Beef Rogue Valley Aberdeens On-Farm (by appointment) Central Point
Beef Rising Moon Ranch On-Farm Myrtle Creek
Beef Allen Cattle Co. Delivery Sutherlin – delivery options
Beef Helios Farm Herd-Share Yoncalla – multiple drop sites in Southwest OR
Beef Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Chicken Willow-Witt Ranch On-Farm Ashland
Chicken Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Tuesday Market Ashland
Chicken Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Saturday Market Ashland
Chicken Rising Moon Ranch On-Farm Myrtle Creek
Chicken Pradaria Farm
On-Farm (with pickup in Ashland)
Chicken Sugarfield
On-Farm Williams
Chicken Helios Farm Herd-Share Yoncalla – multiple drop sites in Southwest OR
Chicken Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Duck Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Turkey Rising Moon Ranch On-Farm Myrtle Creek
Turkey Pradaria Farm
On-Farm (with pickup in Ashland)
Rabbit Sugarfield
On-Farm Williams
Goat Willow-Witt Ranch On-Farm Ashland
Lamb Rock Creek Ranch On-Farm Sam’s Valley
Lamb Pradaria Farm
On-Farm (with pickup in Ashland)
Lamb Sugarfield
On-Farm Williams
Lamb Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Pork Willow-Witt Ranch On-Farm Ashland
Pork Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Tuesday Market Ashland
Pork Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Saturday Market Ashland
Pork Helios Farm Herd-Share Yoncalla – multiple drop sites in Southwest OR
Pork Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Eggs Sugarfield
Siskiyou Sustainable Co-op CSA Jacksonville
Eggs Rising Moon Ranch On-Farm Myrtle Creek
Eggs Pradaria Farm
On-Farm (with pickup in Ashland)
Eggs Sugarfield
On-Farm Williams
Eggs Sugarfield
Williams Farmers Market Williams
Eggs Sugarfield
Takubeh Natural Market & Agricultural Supply Williams
Eggs Willow-Witt Ranch On-Farm Ashland
Eggs Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Tuesday Market Ashland
Eggs Willow-Witt Ranch
Ashland Saturday Market Ashland
Eggs Helios Farm Herd-Share Yoncalla – multiple drop sites in Southwest OR
Eggs Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR
Dairy Helios Farm Herd-Share Yoncalla – multiple drop sites in Southwest OR
Dairy Windy Acres Dairy Farm Herd-Share Prineville – pickup in Southwest OR

Our Pasture Partners change their sales outlets from time to time and we do our best to keep up with those changes! However, we are not responsible for any sales outlets or locations that may be out of date. If you notice any discrepancies, please email OPN @

If you are a producer, and are interested in becoming an official Pasture Partner, please visit our OPN Application page for instructions.