UPDATE: CALL TO ACTION - PUBLIC COMMENT DUE OCTOBER 23rd! *See Next Steps below for details on how to submit public comment... ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
Portland Fill Your Pantry Update
Fill Your Pantry has historically been an annual bulk purchasing event organized by various local food system non-profits around Oregon. It is a community bulk-buying event focused on shoppers truly s...
Comments re: Large Poultry CAFO Work Group Meeting August 31, 2022 due at 2pm
FARMERS, CONCERNED RESIDENTS AND FOOD SYSTEM ADVOCATES - Did you get our email this week about The Large Poultry CAFO working group asking for feedback from the community? We want to work closely with...
Temperatures are already soaring into the 100's this summer. There are now permanent requirements for employers to protect employees who work in the heat from heat-related illnesses, such as heat exha...
Oregon’s Farm and Ranch Equity and Anti-Racism Program (O-FREAP)
Oregon’s Farm and Ranch Equity and Anti-Racism Program (O-FREAP) is an opportunity for farmers and ranchers to learn about, address, and dismantle racism within the food and farm systems and beyond....