Mega-dairies play a major role in driving dairy farmers off the land across the country, including in Oregon. They over-produce and flood the market with cheap milk, while externalizing their environm...
Winning When You’re Unwelcome
On February 22 of this year, I walked into a room that I didn’t feel welcome in. I had been invited to talk about our plans for the 2023 session, but others called acknowledging small producers “a...
2023 Legislative Session Recap
And just like that, one of the toughest and most tumultuous sessions in recent memory is in the rearview mirror. Last time we checked in on the session, Oregon was in the midst of the longest recorded...
Support the Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program
HB 4060 (OAHP) Update: Incorporated in the "christmas tree" bill and was awarded 6 Million What is the Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program (OAHP)? The Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program (OAHP) is a...
Update on SB85 – We need strong factory farm regulation!
This bill represents years of work for FoFF, the Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition and other groups/individuals around the state that are concerned about the industrialization of our agricultural sy...