There have been a lot of news articles, youtube videos and social media posts about the Oregon State government shutting down small farms in new rules. That is not entirely true but there have been so...
The 2024 Legislative Session has come to a close!
Thank you to all the farmers, community members, advocates, and legislative partners that spoke up for our farmers this session. There were some bright spots, and some worrying trends that we will hav...
Oregon agencies fail to meet Governor’s well testing deadline in the Lower Umatilla Basin
Mega-dairies play a major role in driving dairy farmers off the land across the country, including in Oregon. They over-produce and flood the market with cheap milk, while externalizing their environm...
What the heck is going on in Salem?
Since the beginning of May, Republican Senators have chosen to deny quorum for Senate Floor votes by boycotting floor sessions. At the Oregon Legislature we need 2/3 of the members of a Chamber (House...
2022 Legislative Recap
The 2022 Legislative Session officially came to a close on March 4, three days earlier than the official deadline. Having finished all their legislative actions early, the House and Senate both declar...