As a community of farmers who responsibly steward their land, hold high standards for animal welfare, and feed our immediate communities, Friends of Family Farmers and its program, the Oregon Pastu...
FoFF Seeking New Farmer Advisory Committee Members – OPN and Policy
ATTENTION FARMERS - Passionate about our work?! Join our Farmer Advisory committees! No organization is an island, and when it comes to making systemic change, there is most certainly strength in n...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Update from ODA 11/13/24: HPAI Confirmed in Malheur County On November 13, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) confirmed Highly Pathogeni...
What is Happening with the CAFO Program?
FoFF has received reports about claims that ODA is targeting small farms and trying to drive them out of business. In particular, there is one youtube video with millions of views and a lot of sensati...
Small Farm Water Rights and OWRD Groundwater Allocation Process
There have been a lot of news articles, youtube videos and social media posts about the Oregon State government shutting down small farms in new rules. That is not entirely true but there have been so...