Oregon’s producers endured multiple natural disasters in 2021 including extreme heat, drought, and wildfires which threaten their viability. Because federal assistance is not accessible to many of Oregon’s producers, the state has established ODAP, forgivable loans for disaster relief for producers who are unable to access federal relief funds.
Unfortunately, FoFF and the OCFSN heard from producers and farm support organizations that this forgivable loan structure may not be accessible to some small and BIPOC producers, the same producers who may not have the resources to weather disaster-related disruptions and often fall between the cracks of traditional safety nets and government aid.
To ensure that all of Oregon’s farmers and ranchers have the opportunity to access timely disaster relief funding provided by the State, FoFF and partners working within the OCFSN established a Disaster Relief Grant Program. This program is for small-scale farmers and ranchers impacted by natural disasters, who are not able to access federal disaster relief funds and/or the State’s Forgivable Disaster Loan Program.
Should you apply for the OCFSN Disaster Relief Grant?
Are there any parameters on what farmers can spend the awarded grant funding money on in the future? No, It is non-restricted funding.
How long will this grant application take me? It depends, but we’ve heard from folks it takes 15 minutes to an hour.
If 2021 was my first year farming, can I still apply? YES, this is one of the reasons this grant fund exists.
What are some of the reasons that first round farmers applied for this grant? Loss of farmers market sales (e.g., due to heat wave), smoke damage, irrigation shut off much earlier than expected due to drought, underselling livestock due to lack of water and feed due to drought, loss of power in an ice storm, greenhouse damage due to snow, increased irrigation, evacuation transportation costs of livestock, reseeding/replanting due to heat, crops not harvestable, topsoil erosion due to hail, fencing damage due to snow and ice, hay prices tripling.
I am worried there aren’t enough funds to support all the farmers and ranchers that have suffered losses due to natural disasters in 2021 so I am asking for less than I need. Ask for what you need, the evaluation rubric is used to help us prioritize requests.
What if education or demonstration is just a small part of the farm business? Sales of farm products must make up the majority of the farm income.
Is ODAP open yet? YES it is open May 9 – June 3! For more information CLICK HERE
If I qualify for ODAP, should I apply for this grant? No. The intended recipients of this grant are farmers and ranchers who are not eligible for ODAP.
What if my farm has unusual circumstances? Please reach out to our grant administrator at brittney@friendsoffamilyfarmers.org to talk it through.
Does a “state of emergency” or “major disaster declaration” have to be declared by a federal/government organization in order for the natural disaster my farm experienced to qualify for this grant? No.
Is this taxable income? The amount given will be reported as income to the Internal Revenue Service via IRS form 1099. Grantees are encouraged to consult a tax advisor about the tax implications of this grant award.
What information do I need to gather before I apply for this grant? Basic farm information including tax ID number, your 2020 Adjusted Gross Income – on your 2020 tax return, your AGI is on line 11 of the Form 1040. For more info here is the definition from the IRS – https://www.irs.gov/e-file-providers/definition-of-adjusted-gross-income. You will also need the details of your total loss (dollar amount, description and pictures if you have them).

Any other questions you need answered? Feel free to reach out to