The 2022 Oregon Family Farms Survey is live!
Make your voice heard today! [English] [Spanish]
Every even numbered year, Friends of Family Farmers calls on our supporters to give us feedback on how our programming, advocacy, and services can better support Oregon’s small and medium socially and ecologically responsible farmers and the food systems they exist within. Our goal is always to be working on the most pressing and necessary issues for our farmers across the state, and we are proud to be an organization made of and directed by farmers.
This year, it is even more important for you to take action and tell us what you need to see for the coming biennium. The COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters have pushed farmers to their limits, leaving them and their farm businesses vulnerable to more long term threats and barriers in a business that is already challenging to begin with.
This survey is open to EVERYONE who supports the vision and mission of FoFF and “our” farmers. Whether you are a farmer, rancher, local food supporter or food system advocate/professional, your voice is valuable to us when we are prioritizing our efforts for the future. We have designed this survey to take you to the questions that most reflect your place in the food system based on your answers. All of our stakeholder questions lead to actions for our programming and policy work, so we value all of the responses to our survey.
[Take the survey in English] [Spanish]
For eaters and farmer supporters of all kinds, this survey will determine what kind of programming we lean into for the next few years. What gaps do you see in public education around food system issues? What do you wish your friends and neighbors could sit down and talk to a farmer about? How can your organization or agency better support or collaborate with the farmers in your area and engage with the issues that matter? These are the kinds of resources we want to provide to you, and just like food, it is better from the source.
We also urge you to share this survey with your networks. All Oregonians who care about the future of socially and ecologically responsible farming in this state should have the opportunity to voice their opinion. If you are involved in a farmers market, please send this survey to your fellow vendors. If you are part of a list serve for food focused folks in Oregon, please send it to your colleagues. If you belong to any community organization has a newsletter, please consider adding a link to this survey. This farming community makes the world go round! We appreciate your support. Deadline to fill out the survey is May 31, 2022.