We need passionate farmers and farm advocates like you to submit written testimony. The deadline to make your voice heard is 1:00pm on Wednesday February 9th.
There is broad consensus among a wide array of stakeholders that natural and working lands are a crucial piece of ensuring a safe and resilient climate for Oregonians. This bill will make sure Oregon is investing in protecting rural economies, fish and wildlife, and drinking water supplies as we navigate changing conditions. This bill sets the foundation for the creation of programs to increase carbon sequestration and resilience on Oregon’s natural and working lands, including agriculture.
This bill will:
- Define Natural and Working Lands (NWL), establishing the policy direction to advance carbon sequestration and storage and resilience strategies.
- Create a NWL Advisory Group at the Oregon Global Warming Commission (OGWC).
- Direct Oregon State University to develop metrics, an NWL inventory, and a workforce and economic development study.
- Direct state agencies to report on metrics and the inventory.
- Select the hearing for 2/8 at 1:00pm
- Select SB 1534 for testimony
- Enter your information and select testifying “in Support”
- Choose Text Testimony
- Use the template below to write testimony in support. Remember to customize the sections in yellow with your experience, the more personal the testimony, the more effective your words are! Paste your customized text in and submit!
Public hearing on the Natural and Working Lands Bill SB 1534 February 8th 1 pm
Your business or organization’s logo/letterhead if you have it
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery
Oregon State Capitol
900 Court Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
Chair Golden and members of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery:
I am writing on behalf of (your farm/business/organization’s name) in strong support of SB 1534, the Natural and Working Lands bill, and the -2 Amendment. This bill lays the foundation for the creation of programs to increase carbon sequestration and resilience on Oregon’s natural and working lands.
Add your own message here about why this bill is important to you and why it is needed.
Agriculture stakeholders, here are some talking points you can use & make your own
Please support and do all you can to advance SB 1534.
Thank you for your consideration and your service.
Your name
Organization or business
City, OR
Thank you for taking action and making your voice heard!