Get the Nerve to Preserve Recap

Food preservation is an ancient art that was once practiced in most households across the globe. Its prominence took a beating from the eruption of industrialized food items that shimmied their way onto pantry shelves. “Processed food” evokes a new meaning in this era of ready-made meals, but my hope, along with many of my peers, is to reclaim the act of processing food by adding value with fresh ingredients, creativity, and devotion.

I want to revert back to a culture where putting up food for the cold, crisp winter months was not deemed fringe or hipster, but rather quotidian and practical.

Many folks who came to our InFARMation event last night are long time canners and some are just testing the waters. My hope is that we all feel a little inspiration from last night’s discussion. Experts out there, enlist a novice and confess some tricks of the trade. Rookies, team up and tackle a batch of pickles.

And, in case you missed it, KGW Live at 7 stopped by our event to see for themselves what InFARM is all about. Here’s the clip:

Thanks to our panelists Megan Denton of Able Farms, Sarah Masoni of the Food Innovation Center, and Leah Rodgers of Rockwood Urban Farm for bringing great energy and valuable bits of information to our food preservation discussion. And many thanks to the folks in attendance!

Come out Tuesday, October 13th to hear our discussion “Food is Health.”
